Rail Solutions & Infrastructure

Innovative rail solutions and products that drive the European green mobility.

Rail Solutions & Infrastructure

An agile partner for modern rail transport

The energy-challenging and turbulent times create opportunities to unlock the promise of the green mobility. Experience is fundamental to our success. It is a prerequisite for smart design, manufacturing quality, and product efficiency that currently position us as leaders in the regional industry of electrified transport. 

We have leveraged investment in people development and personal growth, to become an indispensable partner in the era of responsible mobility. Our innovative rail solutions and infrastructure are paving the way towards carbon neutrality.

Tračnička vozila i infrastruktura Rail Solutions & Infrastructure
We nurture a culture of responsible design - with the imperative of environmental preservation, we devise complex technical-technological solutions which are the foundation for the development of our vehicles and rail traffic management, and command and signalling sub-systems. Smart component selection and flawless planning are prerequisites for manufacturing excellence.
Our turnkey projects comprise design and self-funded development. Over 90% of the equipment for electric traction plants is manufactured at our facilities and factories. Our signalling product portfolio includes level crossings and point heating switches.
We strive for top efficiency in manufacturing and modernization of rail vehicles. We operate all the necessary equipment for assembly, overhaul, repair, reconstruction, retrofitting, and modernization of electric rail vehicles and their components. We also deploy our impressive manufacturing capabilities in the development of rail infrastructure.
Energy efficiency imperative calls for the utilization of advanced technologies and highly sophisticated components. Systems designed in this manner require extensive and ongoing maintenance and upgrades. We successfully take on this challenge - we maintain and service mobile and static advanced solutions and sub-systems, complying with all relevant technical regulations and legal legislation.
Rail vehicles

Rail vehicles

The construction, design, and performance features of our rail vehicles are shaped by quality and comfort standards, along with a commitment to reduce environmental impact. Our product line includes low-floor trams, low-floor EMUs and DEMUs, and a special development project - the measurement train.

We modernize and thyristorize locomotives in the fleets of numerous operators across SE Europe. Timely modernization increases the reliability and availability of vehicles in traffic and extends the operating time between two major repairs.

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Railway infrastructure

Railway infrastructure

We design and manufacture advanced solutions that are key to safe, energy-efficient, and reliable railway traffic management.

We have in-depth experience and capabilities to fully equip all segments of railway infrastructure. Our portfolio consists of solutions for rail traffic management, and command and signalling railways sub-systems, as well as control and management systems of non-safety functions.

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KONČAR - Electrical Industry

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KONČAR – Electrical Industry Inc.
Fallerovo šetalište 22, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Marketing: +385 1 3655 974
Phone: +385 1 3655 555
Fax: +385 1 3667 602
E-mail: marketing@koncar.hr