KONČAR to participate in €188 million revitalization project of Vidraru hydropower plant in Romania

Landmark project strengthens EU foothold

KONČAR has secured a landmark project in the global market, further expanding its impressive portfolio in the revitalization of hydropower plants. Adding to extensive portfolio of over 400 hydropower plants built and revitalized worldwide, KONČAR is proud to announce its participation in the revitalization of the Vidraru hydropower plant in Romania, with a capacity of 4 x 67.3 MVA. This project was secured by KONČAR – Engineering, in cooperation with the Romanian company ELECTROMONTAJ S.A. The project scope includes the design, manufacturing, delivery, dismantling of existing and installation of new equipment, as well as testing and commissioning. The total contract value exceeds EUR 188 million, with KONČAR's share close to EUR 80 million. 

Hydropower Plant VIDRARU in Romania

The Vidraru hydropower plant, strategically situated on the Argeș River, is a cornerstone of Romania’s energy infrastructure. With an installed capacity of 220 MW and an average annual electricity production of 400 GWh, it was originally constructed between 1961 and 1966 as a peak load power plant. This vital facility is now set for a major revitalization. The project aims to boost the plant’s efficiency, extend its operational life, and reinforce Romania’s overall energy capabilities. The customer for this project is S.P.E.E.H. HIDROELECTRICA, headquartered in Bucharest.  As the largest power generation company in Romania, HIDROELECTRICA boasts an impressive installed hydropower capacity of 6.3 GW, generating an annual net production of 15.6 TWh. The company oversees the operation of 182 hydropower plants, five pumping stations, and one wind farm, across eight regions of Romania. Karoly Borbely, CEO of HIDROELECTRICA S.A., signed the contract on June 28, 2024 while on KONČAR side the same was done by Darijo Runjić, Board Member of KONČAR – Engineering, and for consortium leader Ionut-Adrian Tanasoaica, General Director of ELECTROMONTAJ S.A.

We are immensely proud of this significant partnership, which once again underscores KONČAR's strong competitive edge in the global market. It is particularly rewarding that such a prominent and reputable European company in the power generation sector has, through an international tender, recognized our expertise, capabilities, and the quality and range of our business portfolio. In addition, the strategic value of this milestone goes beyond its financial benefits, as it introduces KONČAR to a new market within the European Union, where we have not yet established a substantial foothold." said M.Sc. Gordan Kolak, President of the Management Board of KONČAR.

The revitalization is contracted under a "turnkey" agreement, covering a comprehensive scope of work for KONČAR and the local consortium partner. This includes generators and turbines, hydromechanical equipment, generator voltage switchgear, control and protection systems for the power plant, substation, power supply systems, and various electro-mechanical auxiliary systems.

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