Instrument transformers delivered to Malaysia

KONČAR – Instrument Transformers has delivered 24 potential transformers rated voltage 525 kV as a part of construction of the new thermal power plant in Malaysia.

Transformers have been commissioned by GE GRID Solutions, which is a sub-contractor to the project lead EDRA Power (CGN). The end customer and investor Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is Malaysia’s largest energy utility company whose core business is electricity generation, transmission and distribution.

Instrument transformers for Malaysia

The company also operates the national energy grid connected to the Thai transmission system in the north and Singaporean transmission system in Senoko in the south. TNB supplies electricity to more than 9.2 million customers across Malaysia, Sabah and Labuan.

Transformers will be installed into a new facility of Malaysia’s biggest gas combined thermal power plant installed capacity of 2242 MW, which is being constructed in Alor Gajah, Melaka.

The future power plant, set to be the largest in SE Asia, will start operating in 2021 and cover 10 per cent of the national electricity needs.

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