Excitation systems at Slovenian hydropower plants to undergo modernization

We have been awarded a contract to modernize the dual-channel static excitation systems at the Vuhred and Ožbalt hydropower plants in Slovenia.

The scope of the modernization includes all three generators at Vuhred and two units at Ožbalt, with the project slated for completion within twelve months. Both plants are run-of-river facilities located on the Drava River, with installed capacities of 72.3 MW and 73.2 MW, respectively. 

Excitation systems HPP Vuhred

Originally installed by KONČAR 20 years ago, the excitation systems are now being modernized to improve performance and reliability. The upgrades will focus on the control electronics, with new hardware and software. The need for modernization stems from the limited availability of spare parts for the aging system and the opportunity to integrate new advanced functionalities.

Alongside delivering new electronic modules, we developed tailored application programs and provided a new local control device equipped with a touch panel interface. The modernization process began in 2022 on units A1 and A2 at Vuhred, aligning with the scheduled maintenance period, with the remainder of the project slated for completion by the end of March 2023.

This modernization provides a generational upgrade to the control electronics of the excitation systems, introducing expanded event logging and system records. It also ensures the availability of spare parts for the extended operational lifespan of the systems, improving both reliability and longevity.