Golden Key award for top large exporter in 2021

We are thrilled to announce that at the 17th Convention of Croatian Exporters and the 15th Golden Key Awards, we were awarded the prestigious Golden Key for Top Large Exporter in 2021.

The Golden Key, bestowed by the Croatian Exporters Association, celebrates outstanding export achievements. Since 2008, we have proudly received eight Golden Key awards across various categories, along with a Platinum Key in 2014 for exceptional export continuity. This recognition underscores our long-standing position as one of Croatia’s top-performing companies. This award, like its predecessors, is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our employees, management, and close partners. We extend our heartfelt congratulations and deepest gratitude to all involved.

The year 2021 brought numerous challenges, continuing a trend of demanding times. Despite unpredictable conditions, supply chain disruptions, and various restrictions, we swiftly adapted our operations. Not only did we sustain our business, but we also grew stronger and expanded our workforce.

Our success stems from strong foundations, continuous investment in digitalization, development, education, employee motivation, product and process innovation, and production optimization. These efforts have enabled us to remain competitive, uphold high-quality standards, and achieve remarkable business success.

Customers have recognized and rewarded our dedication, leading to the best business results in our history for 2021.

This award motivates us to continue striving for excellence and development. We look forward to competing alongside even stronger contenders in the future, for the benefit of the Croatian economy.

The convention also featured a panel discussion titled “Challenges of Excellence in Export,” with our President of the Management Board, Vanja Burul, as a participant.