The 15th HRO CIGRÉ conference

The Croatian branch of CIGRE organized the 15th HRO CIGRE Conference, held from November 7 to 10, 2021, in Šibenik. This conference is the largest professional and business gathering on power engineering in Croatia, and we are proud to actively participate every year.

This year's conference not only featured the usual sessions for presenting and discussing 235 peer-reviewed papers but also carried historical significance. It marked the centennial of the international CIGRE, founded in Paris, which held its first international power engineering conference a hundred years ago. Additionally, we celebrated 70 years of CIGRE's activities in Croatia and 30 years of the independent operation of HRO CIGRE. This year also honoured the 165th birthday of Nikola Tesla and the 100th anniversary of KONČAR.

The 15th conference was particularly dynamic for us. As part of the program, the book "Transformers in Theory and Practice" was unveiled. The authors of this groundbreaking work are Prof. Damir Žarko from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and our colleague Dr. Branimir Ćućić, Head of Product Development. This is the first book on transformers published in Croatian since Prof. Dolenc's 1961 edition. While primarily aimed at students of technical faculties in electrical engineering and energy, it also serves as a valuable resource for scientists and professionals involved in the design, production, diagnostics, and application of transformers. The book was presented by its authors (Prof. Žarko and Dr. Ćućić) and reviewers (Prof. Maljković and Dr. Mikulecky).

Transformatori u teoriji i praksi

Our contributions to the conference included presenting and discussing two significant papers:

  1. Analysis of Transformer tank stiffeners in regard to noise, authored by Nikola Škreba, Mislav Ilijašević, and Branimir Ćućić
  2. Introduction of new material in the production of fluid-immersed transformers, authored by Marijana Majić Renjo, Ivanka Radić, and Branka Jakopović
Ivanka Radić i Branka Jakopović

We are thrilled to celebrate the achievements of our colleagues Ivanka Radić and Branka Jakopović, who received commendations for their exceptional work in HRO CIGRE, where they have been active since 2008. They have authored and co-authored numerous papers on insulating oils and materials, presented at various prestigious conferences, including HRO CIGRÉ, HRO CIRED, International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management, CIGRE Kosovo, and CIGRE Slovenia. Through their published work, they consistently share valuable insights, solutions, and experiences, addressing the challenges faced by the transformer industry in materials, technologies, environmental protection, and testing techniques.

We also extend our congratulations to our longtime colleague, now retired, Ivan Sitar, Master in Engineering who received a commendation for his outstanding contributions to HRO CIGRE. He was recognized for his dedication and success in organizing professional gatherings and significantly promoting the values of HRO CIGRE.