Expanding market reach in Sweden
The first engineering project for the reconstruction of the 130 kV plant at Finnslatten TS.
In late September 2021 we won our first engineering project in the Swedish market, the reconstruction of the 130 kV plant at the 220/130/70/20 kV Finnslatten TS in Västerås, near the Swedish capital Stockholm. The customer is the Swedish DSO Vattenfall Eldistribution.
We won this significant transmission and distribution project in fierce competition from leading local companies.

As this is a project of strategic significance for the supply of an industrial zone and priority users, the customer opted to conduct a prequalification process, in order to ensure all exceptionally high standards are met. Extensive scrutiny was applied to occupational health and safety, and compliance of business processes with quality and environmental management systems. Detailed safety checks were carried out for all project team members. Following the bid opening, several rounds of technical negotiations and solution presentations were held, and Vattenfall ultimately selected KONČAR as the best bidder.
The reconstruction of the 220/130/70/20 kV Finnslatten TS, with the completion date scheduled for the end of 2024, involves a complex replacement of the existing 130 kV plant. The reconstruction comprises the development of project documentation, delivery and replacement of primary equipment, secondary equipment, auxiliary systems, construction of a new control room, construction works, functional testing, commissioning and maintenance during the warranty period. Additionally, the contract includes the procurement and installation of 145 kV cables and other equipment for connecting priority customers along a 700-meter route.
While we collaborate with a local subcontractor on construction works, we continue to lean extensively on our expert teams for project management, design, assembly, configuration of secondary systems, and testing.