Development of the next generation of numerical protection devices


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Contact: bbrkljac@koncar-inem.hr


Project overview:

Protection relay systems play a crucial role in the secondary equipment of power systems, primarily isolating faulty sections of the grid. By safeguarding primary equipment, these systems help prevent damage, reduce the duration of power outages, ensure the safety of personnel near fault zones, and maintain uninterrupted power supply to the unaffected parts of the network.

This project is part of a broader initiative to develop a next-generation platform of advanced microprocessor-based embedded systems for regulation, protection, and control in power grids. The platform is designed around modular distributed functions (both hardware and software), seamlessly integrated through communication protocols into a unified, advanced system. The project’s technical and economic viability is further strengthened by the potential to develop additional control and regulation devices using the same platform, enhancing both scalability and adaptability.

The project aims to enhance product competitiveness in both domestic and global markets, driving revenue growth through increased sales. Additionally, the new product will benefit from intellectual property protection, including trademark and design registration. Upon successful completion, the project is expected to expand market share in this segment, fueling overall business growth through the introduction of a state-of-the-art product line.


Goals and expected outcomes:

The project’s main objective is to develop and manufacture an advanced system for protection, measurement, and control in power facilities.

This new system will incorporate enhanced functionalities, streamline and optimize existing capabilities, and significantly expand its potential applications across a broader range of power systems.


The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of KONČAR – Electronics and Informatics Ltd.

The website’s creation was co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
