Wastewater treatment facility

Digital management of the Čakovec wastewater treatment facility

Reconstruction and modernization of the facility

The modernization project at the Čakovec facility upgraded treatment from secondary to tertiary processing, incorporating advanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Additionally, a facility for comprehensive sludge treatment was constructed. This ensures the highest standard of wastewater treatment, compliant with EU directives, allowing the safe release of purified water into the Trnava stream.  Water quality at both the inlet and outlet of the plant undergoes regular monitoring through analyses conducted by internal laboratory.

To effectively treat sludge, the facility employs bio-aeration tanks, dosing stations, primary thickeners, and stabilization basins, along with earthing fields where the sludge undergoes biological treatment, dewatering, and mineralization. This process promotes a fully sustainable water management system, enabling a closed-loop cycle of materials within the natural environment.

In addition to upgrading the facility's buildings and equipment, and digitizing management processes, the access road was reconstructed to improve accessibility. Following these upgrades, the Čakovec wastewater treatment facility now supports a capacity of 75,000 population equivalents (PE).

upov čakovec

PROZA control and monitoring system

The modernized Čakovec wastewater treatment facility leverages the PROZA SCADA solution, a trusted system for real-time automated monitoring and management of critical infrastructure. Developed by our experts, PROZA benefits from over four decades of experience in designing and implementing digital industrial solutions for energy systems and other vital infrastructures. 

Tailored specifically to meet the unique needs of the Čakovec facility, this system ensures seamless compatibility with the operational demands of wastewater treatment. It offers extensive control and automated management of all equipment and processes at the facility, functioning continuously in real-time.


In addition to monitoring and managing advanced wastewater treatment facilities, PROZA is extensively utilized for controlling and monitoring pumping stations in water supply and drainage networks, as well as at water extraction sites.

This proven SCADA system is currently deployed in over 400 locations globally, including Croatia, managing and monitoring a broad range of systems such as water and drainage, power generation, as well as the transmission and distribution of electricity and gas, among other critical infrastructure systems.