Renewable energy management center at KONČAR

Integrated digital solutions for the monitoring and management of the Pometeno Brdo wind farm and the Vis solar power plant

Smart management solutions for the Pometeno Brdo wind farm

More than a decade ago, our specialists developed and launched one of Croatia's pioneering large-scale wind farms, located near Split. Named Pometeno Brdo, this wind farm features 17 turbines with a combined capacity of 20 MW, all stemming from our in-house development efforts. We developed a customized digital management system designed for detailed control and comprehensive monitoring of the entire wind farm, including each turbine, the transformer substation, and the measurement mast. Operations can be managed either directly at the turbine itself or remotely from our Renewable Energy management center in Zagreb, ensuring real-time responsiveness and control. The system continuously tracks weather conditions and essential technical parameters of the turbines, including blade speed, tilt, and yaw, as well as vibrations, lubrication, hydraulic brakes, and the heating and cooling of the frequency converters. This technology also enables remote activation and adjustment of individual turbines and comprehensive control over their power output. Such capabilities bolster the energy supply's reliability, decrease maintenance expenses, and extend the lifespan of the plant and its associated equipment.

ve pometeno brdo

Smart management solutions for the Vis solar power plant

In 2020, as a key initiative in our renewable resources development program, our experts successfully developed and commissioned the Vis solar power plant on the island of Vis. This project set a new benchmark as, at the time, Croatia's largest solar power plant, equipped with 11,200 photovoltaic modules and five central inverters, collectively generating a total capacity of 3.5 MW. The facility features an integrated battery storage system, meticulously managed using sophisticated digital solutions developed by our experts. These digital solutions enable extensive monitoring and efficient management of both the solar power plant and the battery storage from KONČAR's Renewable energy management center. The system tracks meteorological conditions, solar insolation, and the performance of photovoltaic modules in real-time, including current and total output power. This digital solution not only optimizes maintenance costs but also extends the lifespan of the plant and its equipment, thereby enhancing the reliability of the power supply.

se vis

Trusted SCADA technology: Proza NET

The digital solutions deployed in this project rely on our trusted SCADA system, Proza NET. This system has long been employed to automate the management of power systems and other critical infrastructures at numerous sites across Croatia and internationally. Proza NET's applications range from operating dam monitoring and dispatch centers for hydro power plants, to managing facilities for wind and solar power plants, as well as overseeing transformer and electric traction substations. Additionally, it covers the monitoring and management of gas distribution metering and pressure regulation stations, pumping stations, wastewater treatment facilities, and various other industrial applications. The solution's key attributes include superior performance and reliability, a modular design for scalable configurations, exceptional flexibility, and seamless integration capabilities with existing systems.